Aslo Media from building to finished studio
In our last blog, we told you a bit about our new streaming studio about the building process. But if you want to refresh your memory, you can do it here Instagram, Facebook
Indeed, finding a suitable studio was not as easy as we thought. Like a bolt from the blue, the perfect office space appeared in front of us. We visited the showroom and fell in love with the place.
"We'll take this one, it's perfect!"
Although the space is perfect, it is also full of emptiness.
"What's next?"
We need a shelf to store our rich "toolbox". The shelf is made with a smile to the accompaniment of emery. Next, we need sound and light insulating curtains.
Let's make a plan and implement it.
"Hey, this is starting to look like a studio!"
After a planning session, the floor was sampled and voila!
Now we have the studio we've always dreamed of!
We test a few angles and the behaviour of the lights and get our first video shot.
But this is just the first step in our marathon journey!
We warmly welcome you to join us on our journey to build quality production. Let's get to work!